Thursday, June 9, 2011

Something to think about...

My post tonight has been weighing on my mind for sometime now. I would love to know your thoughts...
Do you know people "like me" or are YOU "like me"?

Of course I will share some photo's because this is still a Photography Blog!! There is nothing as sweet as a baby girl in a field of dandelions!

I'm not perfect, I know this could be surprising to many, but it's true. No, really I'm not perfect and I don't think that I am. The thing is, I'm probably my own worst critic. I tend to be harder on myself than even my worst enemy. I bring this up because it seems that so many people have this incessant need to point out other people's flaws and imperfections, in order to boost their own wilting ego's. For so many years I consciously but quietly allowed people in my life to minimize my strengths so as not to make them feel insecure or uneasy about themselves. I down played my success's and accomplishments in order to make everyone comfortable, in hopes that these same people would perhaps have the same courtesy when the rolls were reversed.

It's mind boggling to me that people are so completely inconsiderate of other human beings. I see this so much in the photography world. There are entire blogs dedicated to "the professional photographer vs. the wannabe photographer" and why consumers should be-ware of the "wanna be" and justifying their own business decisions by minimizing the choices that others make.

I for one am thankful for each and every client that chooses me to capture their families memories. I am in no way better than anyone else in this industry, but what I can say for sure is that I work very hard to make sure I am learning something new every single day. That I am using every resource that I can possibly get my hands on to enhance my ability to capture images in new and creative ways. Learning to use light and learning to say, "no I can't do that" or "I would love to try that, but know I have never done this before" because I know my limitations.

I know my limitations not only in the photography industry but as a mother and a wife and a human being. I know, I don't know everything.  I know I have allowed people to think certain "things" about me, but at the end of the day - I wouldn't be where I am today or have accomplished what I have today if I "wasn't paying attention". It's important to know that just because people don't always stand up for themselves in a specific manner or present a certain kind of confidence, you know the kind that is often confused with arrogance, does not mean they are faking what they know, but more likely faking what you think they don't know.

I realize this post may seem a little off topic, but this is my blog and I get to talk about whatever I want!!

Besides, what I'm speaking of really is an important lesson for many. A lesson that I not too long ago witnessed in the corporate world. Some personality traits will never change not even with age and implied maturity. It's important for some to recognize people like me. It is also important for people "like me" to know; sometimes there are people in this world that you think respect and understand you, but the bottom line is everyone isn't always looking out for your best interest. My advice to all, if you feel like you have to stifle your success or knowledge to save someone elses feelings, they probably don't deserve the consideration you are giving them. ....and if you read this and don't understand a word I'm are probably someone who thinks they know it all....aren't you?!

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