I have decided to use this blog to share more than just my photography, I want to share the things that make my heart full and put a smile on my face. I have recently come to realize how much I have deprived myself of feeling joy and just being happy.
I am trying to pull myself out of this slump I am in. I cannot explain the sadness that is in my heart or my need to share it with the world. I’m 32 years old and I’m burnt out. I’m tired, frustrated and defeated. I have spent too much time trying to prove my worth to people that don’t care and will never appreciate me. I have deprived my family of the best of me and only given them the tattered and frayed pieces that are left after everyone else has taken what they want and left me feeling worthless and defeated.
I really am not a very spiritual person, but the truth is, I want to believe there is more than this. I want to believe it so I can teach my children that if they work hard and treat others with respect than they will be successful and rewarded. I want to teach them that everyone deserves kindness and that if they give their best to others they will lead a fulfilled life. You see I always had the idea that it was better not to recognize the good in anything because if I acknowlege anything good it will bring me bad luck. Some would argue this is a perfect case of the law of attraction. If you don't recognize the good in life than you are attracting only the bad. I wasn't familiar with how theory on the law of attraction, but what I did know was that I was miserable and losing faith in everything around me. I was not only letting the rest of the world beat me up and fill me with guilt and fear, I was doing it to myself 24 hours a day. The thing with negativity is the worse you feel and the more you complain the harder it is to see anything good. No magic force here, just plain fact. If your grumpy all the time people don't want to be around you and that creates lonliness which creates sadness and well you get the picture....
To say I was grumpy was an understatement. I couldn't stand myself.....I didn't want to experience joy or happiness. I recently found myself in a very dark place but thankfully I had a moment of clarity and recognized what was happening and the road I was heading down very quickly. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and set out to make myself happy or at least see if it was something that was possible.
Do you know what I found? A WHOLE GREAT BIG WORLD full of people just like me. I found resources and inspiration in a million different places. I want to share these resources with others. I want to show other people that it's ok to happy and be thankful for all of the good in our lives. Sharing makes my heart happy! Do you see how this works, I share good things with you and it makes me feel good. So, here is my first attempt at sharing happiness.
I decided to read
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne 
and have since become a changed person. Now before you think I have lost my mind; pick up the book and read it. Remember, I'm a skeptic and a cynic by nature. Even though I was skeptical when I began the book and still have a hard time articulating my feelings on the subject, I recognize this book as one of the most important I have ever read. Weather you believe in magnetic forces or not, at the end of the day nobody can deny the feeling of kindness and compassion no matter if you are the person that is giving or receiving. If you haven't read the book just read it, have an open mind and see the good and I promise you won't regret it. If you are a little embarrassed to be seen with a "self help" book (like I was) than download it to your electronic reading device....your Kindle, iPad, Blackberry....even your computer. If you don't know anything about electronic reading devices....send me an email I would be happy to tell you how incredibly cool they are! My iPod touch with the Kindle app. makes me so happy!

I also think having some blog followers would make me happy as well! If you have read this far down, first of all thank you, thank you, thank you! Second, do me a favor and become a fan by submitting your email address above. I promise I won't spam you. After you have done that leave me a comment below on May 25th (my 9th Wedding Anniversary) I will randomly select one person to receive a $25
Amazon GC
. You can use it to buy a copy of
The Secret
, or anything else that makes you happy!
Wednesday May 25, 2011
Today is the day to select someone to receive the $25 Amazon GC. When I was getting ready to do the drawing very few people had commented. I should have clarified that you didn't have to say beautiful things to me! All you had to do was say hi and leave your name. I definitely did not ever expect for people to write the absolutely touching comments that are below. You have all left me humbled. It is people like you that make this world barable. I hope you all decide to continue on this blogging journey with me.
SO....the winner is #13 Thea!!! Thank you all you are the best!
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