I spent the day trying to find something to SHARE with all my new friends. I have ton's of fun stuff in store for this blog and lot's of things to share, but tonight I want to share a reminder below is a very short video with a really big meaning. Treat others as you want to be treated! The one thing I find myself saying over and over to my boys. Our words are powerful - use them wisely! Enjoy!
video shared from an incredibly brilliant photographer and marketing genius Lawrence Chan, if you are a photographer or any kind entrepreneur you should be following this man!!
....and because this is still a photography blog here is the newest shot of my niece, the happiest little girl ever!
PS: Thank you new friends for joining the blog I'm so excited to have an audience! (Y'all may not be so excited, but I am) Don't forget to leave a comment on the post (The truth is....) below in order to be entered in the drawing for a Amazon.com $25 Gift Card (0108)
. You can leave a comment on this post too...hint, hint, but it won't count for the drawing!
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